Membership 会员制度

SZDIY会员分为普通会员与认证会员。SZDIY members are divided into two categories: regular members and certified members.

  1. “普通会员”,只要满足了这些条件则被认为是普通会员:认同社区文化;订阅社区的邮件列表;参加过线上讨论或线下的聚会/活动。Regular members: Anyone who meets the following criteria is considered a regular member: alignment with community culture, subscription to the community’s mailing list, and participation in online discussions or offline gatherings/activities.

  2. “认证会员”,是由普通会员升级而来,具有一定技术能力,高度认同社区文化,热爱分享具有团队合作能力。可加入szdiy-dev邮件列表,讨论发起并参与社区项目。全天候访问SZDIY Hackerspace,定期获取社区财务简报及社区发展计划,拥有对社区重要决定进行投票的权利。由于SZDIY Hackerspace是认证会员共同出资筹建,故认证会员有义务定期向社区捐赠以确保空间正常运营。Certified members: Certified members are upgraded from regular members and possess certain technical abilities. They have a strong alignment with community culture, a passion for sharing, and the ability to work effectively in teams. They can join the szdiy-dev mailing list, initiate and participate in community projects. They have 24/7 access to SZDIY Hackerspace, receive regular financial briefings and community development plans, and have the right to vote on important community decisions. As SZDIY Hackerspace is collectively funded by certified members, they have the responsibility to make regular donations to ensure the smooth operation of the space.

How to upgrade to a certified member 如何升级成认证会员

Submit an application for certified membership 提出认证会员申请

  1. 有两名会员推荐即可提出认证会员申请,由管理员发申请表给申请人填写。Obtain two member recommendations: To begin the process of applying for certified membership, it is necessary to secure recommendations from two existing members. The recommendations will serve as an affirmation of your qualifications and suitability for certification. The application form will be provided by the administrator upon receipt of these recommendations.
  2. 毛遂自荐:发送邮件到SZDIY管理员邮箱申请,管理员讨论后决定是否发申请表给申请人填写。Initiate self-referral: Alternatively, you may initiate the application process by directly emailing the SZDIY administrator. Provide a comprehensive self-introduction and express your interest in obtaining certified membership. The administrator will then discuss your request and decide whether to provide you with the application form for completion.

Processing of certified membership applications 受理认证会员申请

  1. 如果申请人在社区表现符合社区的要求,由管理员同意则可通过其申请,并执行申请受理相关流程(确定捐献金额,添加至dev邮件组,etc.)。Approval of Application: If the applicant’s performance within the community meets the required criteria and is endorsed by the administrator, their application will be accepted. The subsequent steps for processing the application, such as determining the donation amount and adding them to the dev mailing list, will be carried out.
  2. 申请后两个月内仍无法符合社区要求,则由管理员驳回其申请。Rejection of Application: In the event that the applicant is unable to meet the community requirements within two months of their application, the administrator will reject their application.

Cancellation of Certified Membership 认证会员注销

  1. 认证会员对外发表有损社区言论后,管理员一致确认将终止其认证会员身份。Termination of Certified Membership: In the event that a certified member publicly expresses detrimental remarks towards the community, the administrator will unanimously agree to revoke their certified membership status.
  2. 认证会员与社区失联超过两个月将会自动变为普通会员。Transition to Regular Membership: If a certified member becomes detached from the community for a period exceeding two months, their membership will automatically transition to regular membership.
  3. 认证会员发邮件到SZDIY管理员邮箱主动注销。Voluntary Cancellation: Certified members may proactively submit an email to the SZDIY administrator’s mailbox to request the voluntary cancellation of their membership.