SZDIY is a free software/hardware community based in Shenzhen.
Regular Meeting 固定聚会
地图位置 https://www.amap.com/place/B02F37WPFK
Time: Every Thursday evening from 19:00 to 22:00.
Location: Building 314-E, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, No. 9 Yuexing 1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.
Map location: You can find the map location at https://www.amap.com/place/B02F37WPFK.
To reach the venue, take Exit A at Yuhaimen Station on Line 9, then walk 300 meters southwest.
Relevant theme information regarding the gathering will be posted in advance on the mailing list, Google forum, calendar, and WeChat official account.
每周四下午(19:00 - 22:00)的聚会为开放聚会,欢迎所有人的加入!
The weekly gathering on Thursday evenings (19:00 - 22:00) is an open event and welcomes everyone to join!
For media interviews, please send an email to the administrator’s mailbox (szdiyadm[#]gmail.com) to make an appointment.